Our lowest price ever! Special sale ends in:

THE Ultimate 2-Day Cash Machine

Your Fast Funnel Builder Accelerator

So You Can Build Your Funnel in a Weekend


2-Day Cash Machine - Your Fast Funnel Accelerator to Build Your List

There are so many moving parts when building a funnel. You get lost in all the details, are always forgetting a step, and are ready to throw the computer out the window. Yet you need a funnel in order to grow you list!

But what if . . . you had a Trello Checklist and guidebook that walked you through how to actually plan and map out your funnel. Imagine having a quick-start funnel toolkit so you can build your funnel in a weekend, without missing a step, or getting lost in the quick mire of endless loops.

Learn how to quickly plan and map out your funnels in a weekend, without missing a step. You'll get access to this custom Trello Board with loads of checklists, planning guides, and resources, so you know what to do every step of the way.

You can throw away all those little sticky note reminders cluttering your desk. And you won't need to enroll in the night-classes Ph.D Tech School just to be able to create your funnels. Announcing 'The 2-Day Cash Machine' your Ultimate Funnel Accelerator, so

that you can build your funnel in a weekend, without missing a step or getting lost in the quick mire.


that's 30% off!

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FIRE Up Your Funnel Images - $25

Learn how to FIRE up your funnel images so that people will be drooling over your pages. You'll walk away with templates, shortcuts, tips & over-the-shoulder training on how to quickly create these scroll-stopping images for your funnels. And the best part - you'll be able to reuse these templates over and over again.

Email Optimizer - $137

You've heard that the money is in the email list. So you buy all those templates, and follow the 'gurus' but that cash register still isn't ringing . . . Here's the deal . . . it's NOT about sending emails regularly to your list (although consistency is important). And it's certainly not about all those long 'dissertations' from people that want to bore tell us everything about their life. Here's the scoop ~ there are certain psychological & emotional triggers that help people connect with us. (No I'm not talking about mind control here 😅) And tapping into these triggers translates into higher open rates, increased opt-ins, and more sales. And I'm sharing all the secrets with you!

Strategy Session - $100

Let's get your 2023 off to a great start with this Business Intensive Planning Session. Normally this 90-minute session costs $250 and we map out your digital business strategy, your product ladder, and identify the next 5 steps to take your business to the next level.

Order Summary
Please select at least one item to proceed!


Easy To Understand Tutorials: You'll have over-the-shoulder training videos that you can follow along. Access these videos as often as you need when designing and planning out your funnels.

Trello Board: You'll get access to the Trello Board template that you can copy and customize to your funnels. This custom Trello board will become your central place for all your funnel building assets, resources, and checklists. The board can be customized for your specific needs, and can be reused over and over again. You'll never have to spend hours trying to find all your notes, or locate those random documents that gives you steps to follow when creating your funnel.

Checklists Galore: You'll have checklists for all the different parts of your funnels. You'll have checklists for each step of the funnel, plus other marketing areas of your business. Each checklist can be customized, copied, and reused over and over again. And who doesn't love Trello's checkbox feature that helps you see in a glance what steps you still need to complete.

Planning Guides: Build your funnel faster and easier when you start with these planning guides. You'll have access to Funnel Overview Guide that steps you through what order you should build your funnel. The Funnel Planning Guide will help you create a cohesive theme through your pages so everything is organized and logical. The Branding Template will save you so much time so you never have to look up those color hex codes again. And the CTA Optimization Guide will give you insight into the best words to use on your buttons.

Resources & Guides: You'll get access to my 'little black book' of insiders' secrets resources ;-) . . . those additional resources to upscale your funnels.


Once you purchase 2-Day Cash Machine, you'll receive an email with the login details to access the training portal.

We begin by giving you a 10,000 foot view of funnels, and how to decide on the best type of funnel based on your objectives. Next you'll start mapping out your funnel using the funnel planning worksheets so you'll know what to create, and creating a naming scheme for all your funnel assets.

You'll receive some Trello basics training to walk you through on how to save your own Trello board, and get started right away. Once you have copied the template into your account, you'll be able to customize all the checklists based on your specific needs.

In the bonus area, you'll have access to additional resources to help you optimize your funnels, and the best practice tips when creating your landing pages.

Plus you'll receive:

  • Handouts & Worksheets

  • Tech Tools Master List

  • Funnel Building Worksheets

  • Brand Template Guide

  • CTA Optimization Guide

  • Landing page Secrets

  • Psychology of Pricing Guide


If you are not fully satisfied with 2-DAY CASH MACHINE, reach out to us at deb@starrconsulting.net within 14 days and get a full refund.

Price goes up to $97 on 11/29/22!

Throw Away All Those Sticky Notes, and Get Your Funnel Done Without the Headaches!

Whether you're using social media, paid ads, or Google search, you need to bring people through your funnel. With just a bit of time and these awesome checklists & trainings, you can get your awesome funnel built in a weekend and have time to spare! Start building your list FAST and leave the tech overwhelm behind.

Your funnel is the most important digital real estate you have!

this deal is

+ for a limited time!

2-Day Cash Machine is normally $97, but this weekend... Get 30% off!

  • 2-Day Cash Machine works for all types of funnels & sales pages

  • Takes you from start-to-finish so you understand all the steps in the funnel

  • Tactics will help with click-through & bounce rates, opt-in rate, and conversions!

  • Trello Board & checklists so you never miss a step

  • Get templates & resources so you can reuse your digital assets over again.

frequently asked questions:


What Software Do I need?

I suggest using an all-in-one funnel builder software, but you can certainly use some free resources like Mailerlite if you are just starting out. Reach out if you want some specific recommendations.


I don't Have a Funnel Yet? Will This Help Me Get Started?

Yes, included with the bonus items you find some basic trainings if you have never created a funnel before. That will give you a great starting point.


I'm not Very Techy. Will This Help Me?

This will give you a great overview of how to get started planning your funnel and mapping out the steps. You'll also get access to the FB group.


What Funnel Software Should I Use?

I recommend an all-in-one product, and I have a couple of favorites that I like to recommend. Reach out for a quick chat and based on your objectives, I'll let you know what program would be a good fit for you.

Please Note: Awesome funnels may cause boat loads of confidence and massive amounts of up-leveling in your business!

So easy to follow & review later!

Debbi’s program was so awesome. She laid everything out in such an organized way that is easy to follow and easy to go back and review later. I totally 100% recommend her programs!

LuAnn H.