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Turn Your Emails into a Money-Making Machine




You've heard that the money is in the email list. So you buy all those templates, and follow the 'gurus' but that cash register still isn't ringing . . .

Here's the deal . . . it's NOT about sending emails regularly to your list (although consistency is important). And it's certainly not about all those long 'dissertations' from people that want to tell us everything about their life.

Here's the scoop ~ there are certain psychological & emotional triggers that help people connect with us. (No, I'm not talking about mind control here 😅)

Tapping into these triggers translates into higher open rates, increased opt-ins, and more sales. And I'm sharing all the secrets with you!

Email is still Queen of the Revenue Hill when it comes to

generating cash. You'll learn the psychological and

emotional triggers that cause people to hit the buy

button. And you'll love the 9-step framework planner

so you have a defined strategy for your email campaign.


that's 30% off!

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Door Buster Strategy Session - Only $100

Let's get your 2023 off to a great start with this Business Intensive Planning Session. Normally this 90-minute session costs $250 and we map out your digital business strategy, your product ladder, and identify the next 5 steps to take your business to the next level.

2-Day Cash Machine - $67

But what if . . . you had a Trello Checklist and guidebook that walked you through how to actually plan and map out your funnel. Imagine having a quickstart funnel toolkit so you can build your funnel in a weekend, without missing a step, or getting lost in the quick mire of endless loops.

FIRE Up Your Funnel - $25

Your product or service changes lives! But how can you get more eyeballs on your funnel pages, and get them to stick around on your page? Lean in for the secret ~ People decide to buy from emotions, but then they look for the logic to backup their decision. So how can we tap into these emotions for intangible items? We need to create 'eye candy' images on our funnels that gets people licking their lips in anticipation.

Order Summary
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Master Training Videos: This training will uncover the secrets of tapping into the emotional side of your readers, and turn your email list into hot, raving buyers. You'll be able to watch these trainings at your own pace, and return whenever you want.

Email Templates: You'll receive 15+ different email campaign templates so that you can start sending emails right away. These include your Welcome Sequence, Weekend Sale Campaign, and Abandon Cart Sequence.

Resources & Guides: You'll have fillable framework guides that make it easy to map out your strategies. Plus receive a 7-day fast track system to sales when someone opts into your list.

Podcast Version: Don't like being chained to the computer? No worries. You'll also have access to all the training via a private podcast so you can listen on the go, or revisit those trainings for another deep dive.


Once you purchase Click > Send > Profit, you'll receive an email with the login details to access the training portal.

We begin by diving into the power of emails, and why it's so important to take advantage of the 'honeymoon' period. You'll receive some email templates right away to start nurturing your audience.

There are 4 'weekly' video modules where you will receive in-depth training plus all the email sequences, workbooks, and 'homework' assignments should you want to follow along.

Using the 'Direct Offer Worksheet' will make it super easy to craft your messages and offers. You'll learn how to create a VSL framework using the Quick Start Framework, and learn about three different types of social media posts that will start driving traffic to your opt-ins.

And you'll discover why you should be using the Deadline Email Sequence to motivate your leads, and how the Super Sale Email Sequence is like having your own ATM machine.

Plus you'll receive:

  • Presentation Slide Decks

  • Handouts & Worksheets

  • Tech Tools Master List

  • Funnel Building Worksheets

  • Email Sequence Templates

  • Email Tips & Checklists

  • Podcast version of the training


If you are not fully satisfied with Click > Send > Profit reach out to us at deb@starrconsulting.net within 14 days and get a full refund.

Price goes up to $197 on 11/29/22!

Ahhh, You'll No Longer dread sending out emails once you turn on your 'email money machine'

You'll finally be 'Queen of the Email Hill' and be able to have increased sales without feeling slimy. With just a bit of time and this master level training & templates, you can turn those leads into hot, raving buyers.

Your email list is the most important digital real estate you have!

this deal is

+ for a limited time!

click > send > profit is normally $197, but this weekend... Get 30% off!

  • These email strategies works for all types of online businesses.

  • You'll understand the emotion behind the 'click' that get people to take action.

  • Tactics will help with click-through & bounce rates, opt-in rate, and conversions!

  • Learn how to generate sales quickly using the Super Sale Campaign.

  • Get templates & resources so you never run out of ideas to nurture your list.

frequently asked questions:


What Email Software Do I need?

What you learn can be used in any email marketing software. And you'll learn some cool organizational hacks in case you ever change programs, you'll have your emails ready to go.


I don't have a big list. Will this work for me?

Yes, it doesn't matter how big or small your list is, these techniques can nurture your leads and turn them into buyers. You'll even learn some tricks to start capturing organic leads from social media right away.


is this just a bunch of email templates?

No! You will learn the psychology BEHIND why people take action from emails and what makes them click that buy button.


I'm Not Very Techy . . . Can I do This?

If you can create an email, you've got this. You'll learn some simple ways to generate leads through social media, and then how to nurture those leads automatically.

Please Note: Awesome emails may cause boat loads of confidence and massive amounts of up-leveling in your business!

light bulbs floating over my head right now!!!

I wish you could see the light bulbs floating over my head right now! I just finished a session with Debbi Starr. Can I just say CLAITY & DIRECTION! The feeling of being overwhelmed is lifted!

Michelle O.